He is currently the Chief Internal Auditor (CIA) of Hong Leong Financial Group Bhd and had previously served as CIA of Hong Leong Bank Bhd. He had also worked in Internal Audit of RHB Bank Bhd for 21 years rising to the Senior Vice President rank. He has over 27 years of internal audit experience specialising in credit, treasury, retail and operational audits of commercial banks. He currently leads the IIA Malaysia (IIAM) as its President and Chair of IIAM’s Board of Governors and Executive Committee. He had previously chaired IIAM’s Professional Services and Professional Development Committees. He was the immediate past Chairman of the Chief Internal Auditors Networking Group (CIANG) from 2015 to 2018. CIANG is a formal networking group under AICB which focuses on internal audit matters affecting the Malaysia’s financial services industry comprising Chief Internal Auditors and Heads of Internal Audit of 46 commercial, Islamic, development financial institutions (DFIs) and investment banks. CIANG has successfully restructured an existing AICB’s internal audit certification programme for its members to reflect the international standards of the profession by using The IIA’s IPPF standard into its certification’s study text. AICB is an institute formed by a council comprising of representatives from Bank Negara Malaysia, the Association of Banks in Malaysia and the Malaysia Investment Bank Association.