Mark is the Managing Director (Canberra) Protiviti and is a respected member of the internal audit community in Australia, particularly in the ACT. He has had extensive experience with the Australian public sector. He has a strategic mindset and experience in working with a number of member-based organizations.

He is a passionate advocate of the profession of internal audit. Mark has been a member of the IIA-Australia since 2001 and has served on both ACT and NSW Chapter Councils. He was a co-chair of SOPAC 2013; Chair, Public Sector Conference 2008+; member of IIA-Australia Policy and Technical committees, member of the Nomination Committee. He is Chair, Host Country Committee for the IIA International Conference 2017 and is a member of the Global Professional Development Committee. Mark also serves as Deputy Chair, Board of Southern NSW Local Health District.

Asian Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditors